Moving forward.
MOXIS sets the pace.

More efficient processes, happier customers:
Digitize your signature workflows with MOXIS.

More efficient processes, happier customers: Digitize your signature workflows with MOXIS.

Industrial Sector.

Industrial companies are already digitising their document processes with MOXIS. When will you start?

Digital signature worldwide.

Industrial companies that are internationally positioned and based on decentralized structures need digital solutions that fit the bill. For example, in the case of electronic signatures, the question of international legal validity always arises. This is another reason why many industrial customers choose MOXIS. This is because MOXIS guarantees legal security for international rollouts, regardless of the regional and national economic area.

With the MOXIS electronic signature folder, any signature workflow for a document can be digitally mapped – both internally in HR processes and in collaboration with external parties. To make big things happen on a global scale.

Unique features to bring your
signature processes to the next level.

Enrich and edit documents with form fields

Configurable workflows adapt to your processes

Customized branding according to your wishes

Hosting and operation: in the cloud or on-premises

Logo AVL

»All release processes in SAP and SharePoint are married in MOXIS. Employees can do everything in one step and do not need to leave the interface.«

Karin Koch

Head of HR Corporate Services, AVL

In practice.

Frau sitzt vor Monitor

Future in the cloud is the largest job portal in Austria. For its internal signature workflows, the company was looking for a product that would guarantee qualified electronic ...
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Empfang innerhalb der Adecco

The logical consequence

The leading personnel service provider employs XiTrust MOXIS and the qualified eSignature
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Frau an Laptopt in einem

Freedom for freelancers

More and more companies have therefore opted for the legally valid remote signature. An example is the German personnel service provider GULP, whose contract management ...
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How MOXIS helps the BMW Group to save costs.