The eIDAS-compliant digital identity

Need a digital identity today?

Quick. Easy. Convenient. Apply for xIDENTITY now and provide legally valid, qualified electronic signatures throughout Europe today. Register now on our XignUp portal and apply for your digital identity in less than 10 minutes.

Would you like to issue digital identities in your company?

We offer various practical identification procedures that you can use to issue digital identities in your company.

What is xIDENTITY?

xIDENTITY is a service provided by XiTrust and A-Trust GmbH, a certified Austrian Trust Center.

A-Trust issues personal certificates that provide the same legal validity online as analog ID documents. With such a digital identity, qualified electronic signatures (QES) can be provided for all legally binding documents such as contracts, account openings or loans – by remote signature via smartphone.

Your benefits

Simple application.
Thanks to various innovative identification procedures, issuing xIDENTITY is very simple and does not involve a lot of bureaucracy. From anywhere and within a few minutes.

Legally compliant throughout Europe.
With xIDENTITY, you can sign in compliance with eIDAS and therefore legally valid throughout Europe. The digital signature can be easily verified at any time and is forgery-proof.

Maximum flexibility.
No more waiting times, appointments and business hours! xIDENTITY enables you to sign documents completely independent of time and place.

Immediate implementation.
The combination of MOXIS and xIDENTITY is the ideal business solution: employees and external partners can be integrated quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

Sign immediately.
With your xIDENTITY, you can immediately sign any PDF document with a qualified electronic signature by remote signature via mobile phone.

Provide the issuance of digital identities independently in your company.

Get in touch with us and learn how you can roll out the issuance of digital identities in your company in a non-binding consultation.

We offer different identification methods for use in the company:

Nect Ident

Fully automated online identification based on AI in just 5 minutes. Authentication is carried out by recording the ID document and a subsequent selfie video.

Via Registration Authorities & Officers

The training of employees as so-called Registration Officers enables them to issue a xIDENTITY independently in person at your company.

Authentication via nPA

Identification of persons with a new German ID card (nPA) via NFC chip on the card. To authenticate with AUTHADA, you need an NFC-enabled smartphone with internet access and an ID card with activated online ID and the corresponding PIN.